KCF housing project
Over the last several years, the KCF team has been working to make capital improvements to the children's housing. We have worked closely with an architect to design plans for a series of safe, new structures, including:
A sizeable kitchen with proper ventilation and equipment (done)
A secure storage shed for supplies and food
A dwelling for two of the Foundation's caretaker staff (done)
A house for girls with adequate sanitation and a perimeter wall for security
A house for boys with an attached bathroom (done)
A sanitation and plumbing system
A covered eating area (done)
Construction has been completed on the first housing structure, and we now have capacity to comfortably accommodate 30 boys. We also completed the staff housing, which has made a huge difference in the lives of our wonderful caretakers.
In order to expand the number of girls that we are able to support (given their special vulnerability), we are hoping to begin construction on a new girls' housing block in the next year. This project will require extensive resources to complete, with estimates from the architect and other vendors totaling approximately $40,000 USD.
Although the cost is not insignificant, these investments will ensure that the children have a safe and healthy environment, and will enable the Foundation to provide support to many more orphans that would otherwise face severe distress and dire circumstances.
To find out more about how you can help, click here.
See below for details of the plans.
The image above shows the planned layout of the new structures on the land KCF owns. Below are the detailed specifications for each structure.